Lab Report example and lab report title page for ph test.

This is a lab report example. Don't try to copy the same but you can generate ideas from this lab report example. Also, we put the lab report title page for your help. For reference, you guys use our link. for more example lab reports visit our website home page. For this ph test, we use some ph test strips.

Determination of pH


·       Introduce Ph paper and universal indicator to the students and how to use pH paper.

·       How to measure the liquid substances using pH paper.

·       Measure the four different (Soft Drink, H2SO4, NaOH, and washing soap) liquid pH values and recognize which is base or acidic.




pH determination experiment is done on the solution to determine the number of the solution’s pH; calculating the molar concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution, the pH scale, often known as the "power of hydrogen," measures how acidic or basic a solution is.




pH paper is used for determining the acidity and basicity/base. The pH scale range starts from 1 to 14 and there are less than 7 acidities and more than 7 basicity/base. 7 is neutral (Not acidic or basicity.). In a solution when the reading is less than 7 that means the H+ ion is high in solution. When the H+ ion is lower in a solution which is a base solution, and the reading of pH is higher than 7.


Materials and Equipment



1.     4 Beakers (100 mL)

2.     pH Paper and Universal Indicators

3.     Soft Drink

4.     H2SO4

5.     NaOH

6.     washing soup



1.     pour 50ml of the different solutions into the four beakers.

2.     Dip the PH papers in each beaker of substance and wait for a minute.  

3.     Pull the PH papers out of the beakers and measure the color of the PH.

4.     Put your results in the table below and indicate whether they represent an acidic or basic solution.


Results and analysis

The results were that the soft drink and the H2SO4 solution were acid because the paper changed colors to what was represented in the pH scale as acid. On the other side, the pH papers that were dipped in the NaOH solution and washing soup indicated that they were base, which is shown on the table below.





PH value

Acid or base

Soft drink



H2SO4 solution



NaOH solution



washing soup




From the results above we found that the pH; The hydrogen ion concentration in water is measured using a pH scale ranging from 1.0 to 14.0. Water becomes increasingly acidic as its pH decreases. The more basic, or alkaline, water is, the higher its pH.




In the conclusion, we found the pH level of the different solutions by dipping in them the pH paper and it determined the power of hydrogen in it, on a scale of 1 to 14, where from 1 to 7 is acid and 7 to 14 is basic and 7 is neutral.

Mominur Rahaman

I am a professional graphic designer.I have over 3 years of experience in this field. I working as a freelancer in Fiverr marketplace and Upwork marketplace.

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